How to install vertical vinyl siding ?
Installing vinyl siding vertically in 6 steps
Installing vertical vinyl siding requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through your project:
1. Gather the necessary tools and materials:
- Vertical vinyl siding panels
- Drip molding
- J moulding
- Corner moldings
- 2" roofing nails and 1"1/2 treated wood screws
- Grinder and sheet metal shears
- Exterior grade caulking gun and sealant
- Rodent-proof moldings
- Lattes 1x3 or "forence"
2. Prepare the surface:

Make sure the wall surface is clean, smooth and free of dirt or debris.
Repair damaged areas or replace rotten wood if necessary.
Install an air barrier membrane (Tyvek or Typar) if required by local building codes. It is also essential to install anti-rodent molding.
Repair damaged areas or replace rotten wood if necessary.
Install an air barrier membrane (Tyvek or Typar) if required by local building codes. It is also essential to install anti-rodent molding.
3.Install the starter strip:

Attach a level line to the bottom of the wall, making sure it is straight.
Install a drip molding along the line, by nailing or screwing it securely to the wall. Next, you must install a J-shaped molding that must be drilled with holes of at least 3/16" every 2' to ensure drainage of the wall. This strip will create a base for the first row of siding.
Install a drip molding along the line, by nailing or screwing it securely to the wall. Next, you must install a J-shaped molding that must be drilled with holes of at least 3/16" every 2' to ensure drainage of the wall. This strip will create a base for the first row of siding.
4.Install the vinyl corner moldings:

Now you need to install the vinyl corners. These give a finished look and support the covering. Measure and cut the corners based on the height of the wall, leaving clearance for the soffit. Nail or screw the corners in place, making sure they are plumb (vertically level) and flush with the edges of the wall. Then install the J-trims around the doors and windows. A drip molding above the openings is mandatory.
Measure and cut the J-molding to fit around windows, doors and other openings. Install the J-channel around the openings, leaving a small space for expansion. Nail or screw the J-channel to the wall, making sure it is level and secure. The J-molding must be drilled above the openings to ensure water drainage.
5. Installation of vertical vinyl siding panels.

Measure the height of the wall, taking into account allowing space for the covering to move with changes in temperature. We leave a minimum of 1/4" of slack at the bottom and top. Cut the siding panels to the appropriate size using a grinding wheel or shears. Install the first panel in the corner molding, leaving a space If you have to cut the first panel, you should put part of your scrap in the corner to avoid warping of the panel, same for the last one. Nail the panel to the wall leaving a small space for expansion. 2" roofing nails to install the vinyl siding. Do not nail the nails to the bottom! A coin-sized spacing between the nail and the coating is necessary to ensure movement of the coating during temperature changes. Repeat the process for the remaining panels, making sure they are level and overlapping properly. Glue the last board in translucent exterior sealant into the mouth of the board.
6. Complete the installation of the exterior siding

Be sure to consult the manufacturer's installation instructions for specific advice related to the brand and type of vertical vinyl siding you are using. It's also a good idea to follow all local building codes and regulations. If you are unsure about a step or lack experience, it is recommended to consult a professional contractor for help or simply entrust them with your project.